Originally conceived by Tom Helgeson, The Great Waters Fly Fishing Expo has been a fixture of the Upper Midwest fly fishing community for many years. MN Trout Unlimited is excited lead a new and expanded Expo to help focus on its core mission:
“The Great Waters Fly Fishing Expo is a celebration of fly fishing, its environs and the people who share in its majesty.”

Our expo is the largest fly fishing event in Minnesota. With vendors from the region and across the country including fly shops, guides, top brands, outfitters and non-profits, we offer the newest and best in the world of fly fishing. We also place a strong emphasis on fly fishing education and there will be over three dozen free programs and seminars, as well as on-going free casting instruction taking place over the three days of the event. Proceeds benefit Minnesota Trout Unlimited.

Trout Unlimited volunteers help make the largest fundraising event of the season run smoothly. Volunteers are needed for general expo tasks such as ticket sales, exhibitor loading help, speaking room hosting and more. The MNTU chapters also need volunteers to occupy their booths and talk to the public about conservation and how to get involved with their chapter. Contact expo management about general volunteering here and find your chapter contact information here.

The 2022 Great Waters Fly Fishing Expo will again be held at Hamline University in Saint Paul, MN. After four great seasons, Minnesota Trout Unlimited will be continuing with Hamline University’s excellent amenities to offer the best possible event for exhibitors, speakers, attendees and the fly fishing community as a whole. MNTU will retain an emphasis on a strong diversity of fly fishing activities represented including warm water and salt water.