No Hatch to Match? The Silent Decline of Aquatic Insects in Minnesota Trout Streams
Kristen Poppleton2025-03-01T20:35:12+00:00If you’ve spent any time fishing the cold, clear streams of the Driftless Region, you know that matching the hatch is often the key to success. Hundreds of fly patterns exist to mimic the many species of mayflies, caddisflies, and stoneflies that emerge throughout the season. But in recent years,...
How are the Trout growing?
Kristen Poppleton2025-02-28T22:06:46+00:00The thousands of tiny, neon orange eggs students welcomed in December have now gone through two additional life cycle stages: alevin and swim up fry. As alevin, the trout are not yet eating regular food or swimming. Instead, they flop around on their sides in the egg basket, piling up...
MNTU Trout Brook stream improvement project wins engineering award
Kristen Poppleton2025-03-01T20:37:26+00:00On February 21, 2025 MNTU’s design engineers on its Trout Brook project, Emmons & Olivier Resources, Inc (EOR), received a Water Resources Excellence award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Minnesota for our recent stream habitat restoration project in Miesville Ravine County Park Reserve. We collaborated with...
Bill Introduction Season is Here
Kristen Poppleton2025-02-28T21:51:34+00:00March 11, 2025 Bills are being introduced at the Minnesota legislature at a rapid pace now and we are following a number of them as they connect with our priority issues. Make sure you are signed up for our action alerts if you want to be alerted about opportunities to advocate...
The science of stream restoration: What is fluvial geomorphology and how does it influence what we do?
Kristen Poppleton2025-02-10T18:09:26+00:00Caption: SSL-SWCD staff doing pre-project geomorphological surveys at Amity Creek in Duluth. These data will be used to inform the design of the Amity Creek restoration project – a collaborative project involving SSL-SWCD and MNTU. (Photo: Tim Beaster, SSL-SWCD) By Dr. Jennifer Biederman, Habitat Director Stream restoration has come a long way...
The Tiny Winter Black Stonefly: A Cold-Weather Clue to Water Quality: February Macro of the Month
Kristen Poppleton2025-02-09T17:37:25+00:00For many anglers, winter means tying flies, maintaining gear, and daydreaming about warmer days on the water. But, those that do brave the frigid winter air to chase trout on Minnesota streams are sometimes rewarded with a mid-winter hatch of the tiny winter black stonefly (Allocapnia spp). Although trout feed...
Trout Streams Became My Psychiatrist
Kristen Poppleton2025-02-10T19:36:25+00:00Hello, my name is Mark Reisetter and I am a longtime member of Minnesota Trout Unlimited. I came to Lewiston in Southeastern Minnesota 57 years ago, taking a teaching job right out of college. After my first year of teaching, I was drafted into the Army and sent to Vietnam in...
TIC on Ice
Kristen Poppleton2025-02-09T16:09:07+00:00Winter brings a flurry of action on the Trout in the Classroom front. Students across the state now have baby trout, called fry, swimming around in their tanks. Our education staff and volunteers have been busy traveling to all four corners of the state programming with our schools. Thanks to...
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-28T23:57:50+00:00On July 23, 2022, I helped report a massive fish kill on Rush Creek, one of my favorite local trout streams just three miles south of town. The massive die-off was the third one within a seven-year period, all within a 13-mile radius of my town. And it wasn’t just...
PRESS RELEASE: Environmental groups file lawsuit to ensure momentum to address nitrate pollution continues
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:00:23+00:00DATE: 01/28/25 CONTACT: Sarah Horner, MCEA, [email protected], 612-868-3024 Saint Paul, Minn – Environmental groups filed a lawsuit Tuesday to fortify Minnesota’s commitment to addressing the longstanding nitrate pollution problem impairing drinking water in the southeastern region of the state as the federal administration changes hands. The suit was filed against the Minnesota...
Volunteer Spotlight January 2025: Trout in the Classroom
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:06:49+00:00By Amber Taylor, Education Manager As Trout in the Classroom students returned to school last week, the tiny alevin, or sac fry, that had been flopping around awkwardly on the bottom of the basket before they left had begun to swim! This is the third of four different developmental stages students...
Macro of the Month January 2025: Scuds
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-13T16:34:02+00:00Scuds are freshwater shrimp (bottom right) – a crustacean that lives among benthic invertebrates in the stream.
Winter Habitat Preferences of Trout in the Driftless Area
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:00:43+00:00By Dr. Jennifer Biederman The Driftless Area, spanning parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois, is renowned for its spring-fed streams, cold water, and limestone geology. These unique environmental factors create ideal year-round conditions for trout. In streams with the most groundwater influence, both flows and water temperatures remain fairly constant...
Minnesota Department of Agriculture Refuses to Protect State’s Environment From Pesticide Contamination
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T20:59:43+00:00Contacts: Jesús Canchola Sánchez, NRDCAF, [email protected], (312) 847-6808 Sarah Horner, MCEA, [email protected], (612) 868-3024 Kristen Poppleton, MNTU, [email protected], (651) 332-0070 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Agency denies rulemaking petition to remedy longstanding violations of Minnesotans’ environmental rights SAINT PAUL, MN (December 19, 2024) – Today,...
Protected: Neonic Testing Sites on Trout Streams
Kristen Poppleton2024-12-09T22:20:42+00:00This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password:
Habitat Spotlight: Why Riffles Matter So Much
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:02:13+00:00By Dr. Jennifer Biederman If there is one thing that many degraded streams across Minnesota have in common, it’s a lack key habitat types that support trout of all stages and ages. Many degraded streams lack riffle habitat. These shallow, fast-flowing sections of a stream, characterized by their choppy water surface...
Riffles: Essential Habitat for Healthy Macroinvertebrate Communities (Also, Trout Food!)
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:03:22+00:00by Dr. Jennifer Biederman Riffle habitats in trout streams are essential little ecosystems that provide an ideal environment for aquatic macroinvertebrates, which are small, aquatic organisms that play a crucial role in freshwater ecosystems – and the most important food source of stream dwelling trout in Minnesota. What is a riffle?...
Voters want conservation
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:03:34+00:00by John Lenczewski, November 11, 2024 How last week’s election results will impact our ability to better protect, restore, and sustain coldwater fisheries and watersheds is not clear. Most conservation work gets done locally, especially with Minnesota’s environmental laws and dedicated funding. National politics usually has less impact here. Control of...
Groups Petition to Protect Minnesota’s Environment and Communities from Dangerous Pesticides
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:03:42+00:00October 15, 2024 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contacts:Jesús Canchola Sánchez, [email protected] Sarah Horner, [email protected] Kristen Poppleton, [email protected] Rulemaking petition submitted to Minnesota Department of Agriculture to remedy longstanding, harmful contamination of lands and waters SAINT PAUL, MN (October 15, 2024) – The NRDC Action Fund, the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy (MCEA), and Minnesota Trout Unlimited
How do Macroinvertebrates Fare Following Stream Improvement Projects?
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:03:57+00:00By Dr. Jennifer Biederman The sight of an in-stream habitat improvement project in progress can be a bit eye-opening – heavy machinery, including large excavators are working along the banks and in the stream, often moving large amounts of soil to slope the banks while digging out silted in pools and...
Electrofishing Insights: Tracking Stream Restoration Success in Northeast Minnesota
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:04:14+00:00Standing by a newly restored stream, the benefits are often clear: the eroding banks, invasive plants, and barren channels have been replaced with gently sloped banks, deep pools, spawning riffles, and thriving native vegetation. It’s easy to see how these improvements boost fish populations by creating better habitat for food...
Vote for Coldwater Fisheries Protection Across the Ballot
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:04:56+00:00Voting is a privilege and a right for American citizens and our opportunity to make choices based on our values. Voting is crucial for the protection of coldwater fisheries because it allows citizens to influence environmental policies and regulations. Governments and lawmakers play a key role in creating and enforcing...
Program Spotlight: Fall 2024 Habitat Project Tour
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:05:06+00:00On October 5 close to 40 individuals joined us for a day-long behind the scenes tour of sites where MNTU has completed habitat improvement projects. Our Executive Director John Lenczewski and Habitat Director, Jennifer Biederman led the trip, sharing their knowledge of how a project is planned, executed and monitored....
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:05:18+00:00By John Weiss, Hiawatha TU member Would you like to help the environment and do it by taking only a second or two? You can and here’s how: vote yes on the amendment on this November’s ballot asking Minnesotans to reauthorize dedicating at least 40 percent of revenues from the state-operated lottery...
Minnesota Trout in the Classroom’s 18th Year!
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:05:36+00:00By Amber Taylor, Education Program Supervisor Welcome back to school! It’s Trout in the Classroom’s (TIC) 18th school year in Minnesota! In 2007, the Headwaters Chapter and a teacher from Bemidji’s elementary school got approval from the Minnesota -DNR to have a trout tank in the classroom, where they raised lake...
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:05:49+00:00Our Minnesota Trout in the Classroom program has benefited from support from through the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund. On this year’s November ballot you have the opportunity to vote to renew the state constitutional amendment that directs lottery proceeds be placed in the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund...
Volunteer of the Month: John Lueth
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:06:08+00:00Everyone has knowledge. Everyone has something they can be passionate about. If it has anything to do with trout, other species of fish, the environment or fresh water, education of youth, skill or creativity of tying, advocacy, fundraising … almost endless possibilities and variety … give it a try. And...
Macro of the Month: Late Summer Fly Fishing: The Magic of Tricos
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:06:23+00:00By Dr. Jennifer Biederman As summer begins to wind down, July, August and early September bring a special treat for fly anglers in Minnesota: the trico hatch. Tricos, short for Tricorythodes mayflies, are a small-bodied but super important part of many trout streams' ecosystems, and they offer some of the best...
Help Inform our 2024-25 Policy Platform
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:07:16+00:00While national politics takes up the big headlines right now, at MNTU we are looking ahead to the next state legislative session and preparing our policy platform. Preventing Fish Kills will continue to be an overarching goal of MNTU as we consider specific issues that will conserve, protect, restore, and...
Monitoring Macros with the TCTU’s Streamkeepers and Save Our Streams (SOS) Community Science
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:07:26+00:00On August 4,2024 twenty conservation-minded folks gathered on the banks of Eagle Creek in Savage, MN to become certified Save Our Streams (SOS) community scientists – learning the techniques for biological and chemical water testing in streams. The effort was led by the Twin City Trout Unlimited (TCTU) Streamkeepers...
Volunteer Spotlight: James Sauter
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:08:00+00:00Hometown: Prior Lake, MN. Graduate of St. Olaf College (BA), UW Madison (Ph.D.) MNTU Chapter: Current Board Member of Twin Cities Trout Unlimited. Before moving back to Minnesota in 2019, I was a member of Clearwater TU Chapter in Eau Claire. Favorite place to fish/be outside: I enjoy fishing for trophy rainbows on...
Volunteer for Trout in the Classroom!
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:08:10+00:00Volunteerism is the voice of the people put into action. These actions shape and mold the present into a future of which we can all be proud. MNTU’s mission is to protect, restore, and sustain Minnesota’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. Protection comes in the form of advocacy and restoration through...
MNTU Helping Fish Find Their Way in Northeast Minnesota
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:08:39+00:00By Dr. Jennifer Biederman, Habitat Director Unobstructed pathways are crucial for stream-dwelling trout at key times throughout the year and life cycle. Trout must be able to move freely in a stream system to reach spawning and overwintering areas, find coldwater refuge in low, warm summer flows, and access feeding grounds....
Macro of the Month – Bring on the Terrestrials! Right?
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:09:00+00:00By Dr. Jennifer Biederman When it comes to the diets of stream-dwelling trout in Minnesota, aquatic benthic invertebrates take most of the spotlight. Keep in mind that trout are visual and opportunistic feeders – so prey preference and capture probability are likely influenced by the accessibility, size, color, mobility, and degree...
Resiliency in Real Time – How MNTU’s Habitat Program is Strengthening Trout Streams Against the Impacts of Climate Change
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:09:08+00:00This photo from Hay Creek in the State Forest illustrates how the June flood waters spread out. You can see the flattened grass. The energy release of floodplain prevented any damage to the instream habitat.
Share Your Comments on Feedlot Permits
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:09:31+00:00July 2024 The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is asking for public comment to proposed changes to feedlot general permits issued to large feedlots of 1,000 or more animal units for operation and construction. Minnesota Trout Unlimited supports the much-needed additional oversight and regulations included of applications of manure to the land....
Let’s talk trees and trout streams Part 1: Southeast Minnesota
Kristen Poppleton2024-06-11T02:06:09+00:00A box elder sitting on top of legacy sediment, ready to fall in and take a big chunk of the bank along with it! Mill Creek, Chatfield (Winona County). By Dr. Jennifer Biederman The Driftless Area of southeastern Minnesota, characterized by its unique topography of steep hills and deep valleys untouched by...
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:09:44+00:00Scot Simmons, Twin Cities TU member and volunteer with Foster the Outdoors, recently had the opportunity to see the film Blackwaters Brotherhood in the Wild and volunteer with cast members from the film to share the joy of fly fishing with students and families in...
June 2024 Macro of the Month Feature: What “EPT” Taxa Tell Us About Stream Health
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:09:57+00:00by Dr. Jennifer Biederman The typical trout angler studies up on aquatic macroinvertebrates to better understand what trout are eating across different seasons of the year – to perfect the fly! But the next time you pick up a rock from a stream to inspect its surface, you can also keep...
What happened in the MN Legislature this spring?
Kristen Poppleton2024-06-10T13:19:48+00:00Streams in the Driftless region in of Minnesota are most vulnerable to the impacts of agricultural runoff, including poor manure management techniques, and will benefit greatly from some of the provisions passed in the legislature this session.
A peek inside the process: Designing a trout stream improvement project
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:10:08+00:00by Dr. Jennifer Biederman Stream restoration projects are essential for the rehabilitation of freshwater ecosystems, particularly for species such as trout, which are sensitive to environmental changes. Designing an effective trout stream restoration project involves a blend of ecological science, hydrological understanding, and community engagement. MNTU stream projects not only...
APRIL 2024 MACRO OF THE MONTH: Little Sallies
Kristen Poppleton2024-05-14T15:28:47+00:00By Dr. Jennifer Biederman Stoneflies, belonging to the order Plecoptera, play an important role in freshwater ecosystems and are especially significant to anglers. These aquatic macroinvertebrates are a prime food source for many fish species, especially trout, making them a key focus for fly fishing enthusiasts. Stoneflies are characterized by their...
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:11:04+00:00May 10, 2024 We're coming to the finish line for the Minnesota Legislative session and we need you to contact your Senator and Representative today to demand critical provisions that will prevent future fish kills remain in the final bills. The House and Senate versions of the Environment Omnibus bill differ, and many good...
April 2024 Volunteers of the Month: MNTU’s Annual Distinguished Awards
Kristen Poppleton2024-09-19T18:54:12+00:00THE DR. THOMAS WATERS AWARD FOR MINNESOTA CONSERVATION For his lifetime of achievements in coldwater conservation, we presented the 2024 Dr. Thomas Waters Award for Minnesota Conservation to JP Little. JP is a transformative figure in the history of Minnesota Trout Unlimited. He served on the Board of Directors for the...
April 2024 Macro of the Month
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:12:22+00:00Little Sister Sedge By Dr. Jennifer Biederman April marks the onset of more vibrant seasonal activity in trout streams, with increasing diversity of emerging insect life. This surge in insect activity not only breathes life into the aquatic ecosystem but also signals prime time for both trout and anglers. The increase in...
How agencies can improve their response to fish kills
Kristen Poppleton2024-05-21T20:41:46+00:00MNTU identified several improvements that should be made to ensure timely investigation and better public disclosure of lessons to be learned from any fish kill. Below is a summary of improvements needed. Background: The most recent large fish kill in a southeast Minnesota trout stream occurred on Rush Creek in July...
Navigating Climate Challenges for Brook Trout on Lake Superior’s North Shore
Kristen Poppleton2024-04-09T04:10:34+00:00By Dr. Jennifer Biederman In northeastern Minnesota, where clear streams carve through thick forests and rocky ridges, the brook trout—a symbol of pristine waters—faces an uncertain future. Climate change, manifesting through rising temperatures and altered precipitation patterns, is reshaping the habitat these fish have thrived in for millennia. Flows of these...
Celebrating Minnesota’s Public Lands
Kristen Poppleton2024-04-08T03:22:30+00:00by John Lenczewski, Executive Director On April 5 we joined with partners to celebrate the Public Lands that we collectively own. Public Lands are vital for supporting trout and steelhead populations and providing public fishing access. Wild trout and steelhead populations are products of the forests on public lands in northern Minnesota. They...
March 2024 Macro of the Month Springs’ First Mayfly Emerger: Baetis AKA the blue-winged olive
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:13:31+00:00Dr. Jennifer Biederman Baetis, a genus of mayflies commonly known as the blue-winged olive among anglers, holds an iconic status in the world of trout enthusiasts. Emerging first from Minnesota streams in early March, this mayfly plays a crucial role in the delicate balance of coldwater stream ecosystems, capturing the fascination...
March 2024 Volunteer Spotlight
Kristen Poppleton2024-03-08T20:51:41+00:00Name: Marlene Huston Hometown: Winona, MN MNTU Chapter: Hiawatha and Wincres Chapter Favorite place to fish/be outside: I have to pick one? The Driftless area of Southeast Minnesota Describe the experience or circumstance that got you "hooked" on fishing? We were a fishing family growing up. My first trip to SE MN on Trout...
What is MNTU’s Habitat Program up to during the cold Minnesota months?
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:13:46+00:00Dr. Jennifer Biederman, MNTU Habitat Director A pre-construction bid meeting on Mill Creek in December ‘23, with MNTU’s contracted design engineers, MNDNR, MNTU habitat staff, and potential construction firms. While late winter and early spring might not seem like the peak time for trout stream restoration in Minnesota, MNTU's habitat program is...
February 2024 Volunteer Spotlight
Kristen Poppleton2024-02-07T23:07:23+00:00Name: Jade Thomason Hometown: Afton, MN MNTU Chapter: Gitche Gumee Favorite place to fish/be outside: The BWCA and Quetico When did you get involved with Minnesota Trout Unlimited? I first became involved with MNTU around a dozen years ago when I was hired to plant twelve thousand trees along trout streams over a summer. This was...
February 2024 Macro of the Month
Kristen Poppleton2024-02-13T16:24:36+00:00Winter-Emerging Midges Photo credit: Chironomidae Research Group In the frigid heart of winter, a hidden world of resilience unfolds beneath the icy surfaces of Minnesota's streams. Enter the winter-emerging chironomids (aka “midges”), tiny aquatic flies belonging to the Chironomidae family. Resembling miniature black mosquitoes, some types of these resilient insects defy...
Welcome our new MNTU team member!
Kristen Poppleton2025-01-30T21:14:22+00:00By Kristen Poppleton Hello MNTU! My name is Kristen Poppleton and I am the new Assistant Director for Minnesota Trout Unlimited. This week I took advantage of the beautiful weather to drive south to Winona and meet Jennifer Biederman, our amazing Habitat Program Director, walk a recent habitat improvement project, and...
Time for Legislative Action in 2023
mntuweb2023-04-30T13:32:42+00:00Minnesota Trout Unlimited 4-30-2023 The Minnesota Senate passed a bill including a requirement that state agencies identify the statutes and rules that should be changed to prevent fish kills in Southeast MN. This provision was rolled into the large Environment Omnibus bill HF2310. However, the House version of the bill does not contain...
Rush Creek Fish Kill Press Release
Jade Thomason2023-02-17T04:28:01+00:00Minnesota Trout Unlimited 2-16-2023 After nearly 7 months, the state agencies investigating the Rush Creek fish kill today suggested that rainfall is likely to blame for killing over 2,500 fish. Nonsense. It rains regularly across the state and our rivers are not constantly filled with dead fish. Human actions in...
Some major issues affecting sustained health of Minnesota’s coldwater fisheries
Jade Thomason2023-01-12T16:40:18+00:00January 2023 Public Access – Permanent DNR easements along streams ensure fishing access, the ability to restore habitat, and protection of riparian corridors. Loss of “informal” access is accelerating. Substantially increased funding is needed now to seize generational opportunities before lands are sold and subdivided, or posted. Better signage and policy...
Save Trout in the Classroom – call your Legislators
Jade Thomason2022-05-19T23:42:26+00:00The Legislature now looks disturbingly close to ending its session without passing a LCCMR appropriation bill. If it fails to act this year and respect the LCCMR vetting process, our outdoor education program will cease. The Senate passed its version of the LCCMR appropriation bill HF 3765 yesterday, but it substitutes...
Save Trout in the Classroom – call your Senator!
Jade Thomason2022-05-10T16:08:16+00:00The Trout in the Classroom program - now in 60 schools around MN - will be forced to end on June 30 unless the Legislature passes an appropriations bill that respects the work of the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). A phone call from you to your state senator...
Legislators Need to Pass the 2021 Legacy Bill Now
mntuweb2021-05-13T22:27:36+00:00While differences between the House, Senate, and Governor over the state budget have increased thelikelihood of a special session, the Legacy bill relies on dedicated revenues and can still be passed by theend of the regular session on May 17—with or without a budget agreement. Dedicated funding toprotect and restore...
Responsible Mining: A Roadmap for Mining Critical Minerals
mntuweb2025-03-11T20:08:27+00:00A Roadmap for Mining of Critical Minerals and Sulfide Ore Deposits
For the past ten years the possibility of a new type of mining in northeast Minnesota has consumed the energies of environmentalists, conservationists, businesses, agencies, and politicians at all levels of government. The debate about whether, where and how to...Timber Harvest on Aquatic Management Lands
mntuweb2020-02-23T21:39:23+00:00DNR to Cut 90% of AMAs on North Shore
Under the DNR’s proposed “Sustainable Timber Harvest Analysis” plan, the DNR intends to harvest trees from 90% of the land the Fisheries Section owns along trout and steelhead rivers in Lake County. This includes riparian forests along premier rivers such as the...Your Favorite Trout Stream May Be Impaired
mntuweb2020-02-23T15:03:30+00:00What do the Whitewater, Vermillion, Straight and Sucker Rivers all have in common, besides being popular trout streams? They all suffer from one or more impairments caused by pollution or degradation. This week the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency released its Draft 2020 Impaired Waters List identifying more than 500 additional stream...
Ask Legislators to Drop Provisions Removing Groundwater Protections
mntuweb2019-05-13T14:21:28+00:00The Environment & Natural Resources omnibus bill, SF2314, contains several provisions which, if adopted in the final bill version, would undermine basic groundwater protections and allow destruction of trout fisheries. The Senate version of SF 2314 has provisions (Sections 81, 82, 84 and 85) undermining intelligent groundwater management, which will lead...
March 25 Meeting in Red Wing to examine nitrate contamination of Driftless trout streams – RSVP now
mntuweb2019-03-20T16:15:33+00:00A key meeting to consider nitrate-contaminated groundwater and trout streams in the karst region of southeast Minnesota (MN’s portion of the Driftless area) will be held Monday March 25, 2019 in Red Wing, MN beginning at 5:30 p.m. The Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) will hold a public meeting that...
MPCA denies permit to proposed feedlot near Newburg & Wisel Creeks; recommends regional study of nitrate contamination
mntuweb2019-03-20T16:16:49+00:00The MPCA has denied a general permit to the proposed feedlot near Newburg and Wisel Creeks in Fillmore County. This temporary reprieve for the groundwater and trout streams in the vicinity is welcome news. Below is the announcement from MPCA. While denial of the general permit is a big deal and...
Raid on Environmental Trust Fund
mntuweb2019-03-20T16:17:44+00:00One of the bills which passed in the final hours of the MN legislative session was a bonding bill to which the LCCMR/ENRTF bill was amended. The bill includes a raid on funds in the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF), which are constitutionally dedicated for environmental purposes. Here...
May 14 Legislative Update – with one week to end of session
mntuweb2018-05-14T17:36:39+00:00The MN Legislature session ends in one week. It has been a strange session with few bills passed and instead a monster “omnibus omnibus” bill which plods forward. It contains environmental policy provisions. Since the Senate and House versions of this bill differ, the bill is in a conference committee...
Legislative Update – April 24
mntuweb2018-04-25T23:08:51+00:00Policy decisions by the MN Legislature decide the health and persistence of coldwater fisheries around Minnesota and in Lake Superior. Speaking up for clean water and coldwater fisheries is vital to ensuing places for us, our children and our friends to enjoy quality trout, steelhead and salmon fishing in the...
Urgently need calls to U.S. Senators to prevent new aquatic invasive species in MN and Lake Superior.
mntuweb2018-04-24T00:17:43+00:00We urgently need your calls to our U.S. Senators, Klobuchar and Smith, asking them to oppose the Coast Guard Authorization Act because it contains bad ballast water provisions that will increase the risk of new invasions of aquatic invasive species. The Senate will hold a vote on the Coast Guard...
MN Legislature is about to take away the state’s authority to protect groundwater and drinking water.
mntuweb2018-04-16T20:12:30+00:00On Monday afternoon April 16, both the Minnesota House and Senate will debate bills that limit the state's ability to protect our groundwater, which is both our drinking water and the lifeblood of trout streams. Existing Minnesota law gives the state authority to protect groundwater and drinking water. It is called...
Minnesota Trout Unlimited welcomes MNDNR change in stocking to protect and recover Lake Superior steelhead.
mntuweb2018-04-16T20:20:55+00:00March 15, 2018 Minnesota Trout Unlimited (MNTU) welcomes today’s announcement by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that it will make long overdue changes in stocking practices in North Shore rivers in order to preserve and rebuild Minnesota’s unique wild steelhead fishery, while allowing time for full recovery of the...
New website launched
mntuweb2017-11-17T17:41:13+00:00On November 16, 2017 we hurriedly launch our newly designed website, warts and all, when our previous site crashed unexpectedly. While the new site is not completed and has some outdated information, we will be working diligently to revise content and them begin importing lots of new content. Thank you for your patience as...
Legislature Ignoring Anglers – Calls Needed Today on Fee Increase and Buffers
mntuweb2017-11-17T17:42:54+00:00Increased funding is needed to protect and improve our fisheries, yet legislative leaders are ignoring anglers’ request for a small fee increase to maintain quality fishing. The legislative session ends Sunday, BUT CALLS TODAY CAN TURN THE TIDE. Tomorrow may be too late. Please take 2 minutes and place short calls (or send e...
Tell Legislators to Stop Attacks on Clean Water and Minnesota Trout Streams
mntuweb2017-11-17T17:40:42+00:00The MN Legislature is poised to remove the 50 foot buffers from trout streams in place since the 1980s. They plan to roll back basic water protections, push an anti-public lands agenda and cut core funding from DNR and MPCA as well. Legislators are claiming that they are not hearing from voters....
North Shore Steelhead Need Your Help
mntuweb2017-11-17T17:40:22+00:00Anglers needed to gather scale samples from steelhead in 2017; and to harvest Kamloops to reduce disastrous hybridization For the past two decades DNR has been playing a dangerous game of roulette with our North Shore steelhead fishery. Despite numerous studies indicating that stocking domesticated hatchery strain “kamloops” rainbows would likely interfere...
MNTU and Minnesota’s Largest Fishing, Hunting and Outdoor Groups Urge State Lawmakers to Take Action on DNR Funding Before it is too Late
mntuweb2017-11-17T17:35:48+00:00MNTU and a broad coalition of Minnesota’s largest fishing, hunting and outdoors groups is warning state lawmakers that inaction could harm fishing, hunting and outdoor recreation and jeopardize the state’s $5.5 Billion tourism industry. In a letter to top leaders of both parties in the Minnesota House and Senate, the coalition...
Native Lake Trout Waters in BWCAW Protected by Federal Agency Decisions
mntuweb2017-11-17T17:40:11+00:00The U.S. Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture today announced important steps to protect the watershed of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW), which is home to Minnesota’s native inland lake trout stocks. The agencies denied Twin Metals’ application for renewal of two hard rock mineral...
Help Prevent Loss of Protections for Trout Streams – Comments Due by Nov 7
mntuweb2017-11-17T17:35:33+00:00Forty-one trout streams are slated to lose their protective “designated trout stream” status under a proposal by the MNDNR. Comments are due by Monday November 7, 2016. This is your last chance to provide evidence that these streams recently did, currently do, or could sustain trout with some active management. ...
Comments needed on Lake Superior management plan by May 8
mntuweb2025-03-11T20:29:02+00:00The deadline for commenting on the DNR’s proposed revision of the management plan for Lake Superior and its tributaries is rapidly approaching. Comments are due by Sunday May 8. Here is the link to the webpage, which has draft plan and instructions on how to comment on-line or by phone: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/lakesuperior/index.html ...
Attack on Groundwater and Trout Streams Has Begun Again
mntuweb2017-11-17T17:37:38+00:00Two legislators have renewed efforts to roll back basic protections for drinking water supplies and trout fisheries. Rep. Howe (R – Rockville) and Rep. Newberger (R- Becker) recently introduced H.F. 3399 and H.F. 3400, which undermine groundwater sustainability requirements and effectively prevent DNR from restricting excessive, unsustainable pumping of groundwater...
Urge Governor Dayton to vote “no” on test case of Great Lakes Compact and protect Lake Superior from future water diversions
mntuweb2017-11-17T17:38:20+00:00On Thursday March 3, 2016 the DNR hosts a meeting in Duluth regarding a decision which could set a precedent either to allow Lake Superior waters to be diverted out of the basin or to prevent such diversions. The first test of the Great Lakes Compact is here – in...