Pine Creek
Location: Wabasha County, MN
Contact: Win-Cres Chapter
Funding: Lessard-Sams 2011
Goals: Reduce bank erosion, increase cover, reconnect stream to its floodplain, add native plant species whenever appropriate and possible, improve/increase sunlight to streams and increase trout angling opportunities.
• Sloping and stabilization of stream banks.
• Installation of overhead cover for trout.
• Installation of soil erosion blankets.
• Mulching and seeding of exposed stream banks with native species and removing undesirable woody species.
• Improvement of stream crossings
Implementation: Construction was completed in 2012.
Project Contributors: Trout Unlimited and the MNDNR
Spring 2019 flood damage
An unusual combination of environmental factors in spring 2019 caused damage to many stretches of this and neighboring creeks, including portions within the habitat improvement site(s). MNTU is in the process of reviewing the project site and developing repair plans, which may include design revisions. Appropriate repairs will be made after amended permits are secured.