March 25 Meeting in Red Wing to examine nitrate contamination of Driftless trout streams – RSVP now
A key meeting to consider nitrate-contaminated groundwater and trout streams in the karst region of southeast Minnesota (MN’s portion of the Driftless area) will be held Monday March 25, 2019 in Red Wing, MN beginning at 5:30 p.m. The Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) will hold a public meeting that evening to gather public input on whether it should conduct a region wide study of nitrate contamination. Seating is finite and available on a first come, first served basis. Register now to secure a spot using this EQB link:
In early January 2019, the retiring commissioner of the MPCA requested that the EQB conduct a large study of nitrate contamination of the aquifers and streams in southeast Minnesota. This “karst” region is characterized by porous bedrock which creates the large, cold springs which in turn produce the amazing spring creeks concentrated here. Unfortunately, the porous bedrock also allows contaminants on the surface to easily reach this groundwater and our beloved trout streams.
The EQB is made up of 9 state agency heads and 8 citizen members from around the state. This Board oversees the environmental review program for the state of Minnesota, including environmental impact statements. Input you provide at the March 25 meeting will be used by the EQB to help it decide whether to order a study via a Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) on nitrate-contaminated water in the karst (“Driftless”) region of southeast Minnesota.
You can get all the details of the meeting via this EQB webpage:
Please ensure your spot at the meeting by reserving a free “admission ticket” using the online registration link noted above and imbedded in the first paragraph of the EQB posting as a “Please RSVP” link.
Minnesota Trout Unlimited is also forming a “feedlot working group” of dedicated TUers to work on this issue. If you are interested in helping Trout Unlimited increase its advocacy in this area send an email to: [email protected] with the subject heading “Feedlot working group”.