March 2024 Volunteer Spotlight

Name: Marlene Huston
Hometown: Winona, MN
MNTU Chapter: Hiawatha and Wincres Chapter
Favorite place to fish/be outside: I have to pick one? The Driftless area of Southeast Minnesota
Describe the experience or circumstance that got you “hooked” on fishing?
We were a fishing family growing up. My first trip to SE MN on Trout Run was with my now husband Tom. We started with ultra-light spinning gear, we cast a fly rod a friend had, and the rest is history. Instant love (husband and fly fishing).
If you could offer advice to a woman who is curious about fishing but not sure where to start – what would you tell her?
Welcome! There are a lot of moving parts to fly fishing, do not let that intimidate you! Most people are mesmerized by the cast, fast track to casting I would highly recommend one-on-one fly-casting lessons with a certified casting instructor (FFI), and/or hire a professional guide that can get you on the water to see if fly fishing is a sport you want to continue pursuing.
How have you contributed as a volunteer?
Currently I serve on the MNTU board as a member at large (previously served as secretary) , have served on Hiawatha TU board. I have taught fly fishing with many organizations over the years, volunteered at the Great Waters Expo with Fly Fishers International, offered community education fly fishing classes with Hiawatha and Wincres Chapters, MN DNR Becoming an Outdoor Women, Fly Fishing Women of Minnesota, Casting for Recovery, and more organizations/events throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. I have also been involved in stream restoration and conservation.
How has volunteering for and being a part of the Minnesota Trout Unlimited community impacted you?
Connection! Connection with the fishing community around the state and country. Volunteers’ dedication to our fisheries, environment and people is exceptional.
Why should someone join the MNTU community as a member and/or volunteer?
It’s fun and so rewarding: a dedicated group of volunteers continue the work so many have done prior in conservation and education, that you, your kids and grandkids can enjoy.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
In addition to volunteering, I also work part-time at Root River Rod Co in Lanseboro, MN as an instructor, guide, and retail sales.