April 2024 Volunteers of the Month: MNTU’s Annual Distinguished Awards
For his lifetime of achievements in coldwater conservation, we presented the 2024 Dr. Thomas Waters Award for Minnesota Conservation to JP Little. JP is a transformative figure in the history of Minnesota Trout Unlimited. He served on the Board of Directors for the Minnesota Council of Trout Unlimited for 21 years, first as Secretary from 2001 to 2011, then as Chairperson from 2011 to 2017, finishing as Vice-Chair before stepping off the Board in 2022. While serving on the Board, JP led the first ever strategic planning effort for Minnesota TU, a key initiative that launched the exception growth we’ve experienced over the last couple of decades.
For example, that strategic plan led to the award winning MNTU newsletter and the hiring of our Executive Director, John Lenczewski, and created the ability of MNTU effectively use Lessard-Sams funding to begin work on what now is the most in-stream trout habitat work conducted anywhere in the nation. As Board Chair, JP also oversaw the transfer of the Great Waters Expo to Minnesota Trout Unlimited in 2016, and fostered efforts to connect the conservation and fishing communities together for greater synergy as we work together to protect our resources. Before his time on the Minnesota Council, JP served on the Board of Directors for the Twin Cities Chapter from 1991 to 2001 and was TCTU President from 1995 to 1997.

Thank you, JP Little, for truly making a difference for coldwater conservation in the state of Minnesota! Congratulations on this very deserved award!

The 2024 Distinguished Service Award for the Win-Cres Chapter of Trout Unlimited goes to Mike Jeresek. It would be difficult to overstate Mike’s contribution to the coldwater fisheries of the Driftless Region of Southeast Minnesota. Mike has been involved in habitat work for 30 of the Win-Cres Chapter’s 43 years, serving as the chapter’s Habitat Improvement Coordinator for 26 years. Mike organized improvement projects on 17 different streams and also played a major role in fundraising for those projects, particularly with the Win-Cres banquet. Mike is also a dedicated teacher of conservation to young anglers. Thank you, Mike, for all you do for Minnesota TU and congratulations for this very deserved award!

The 2024 Distinguished Service Award for the Gitche Gumee Chapter of Trout Unlimited goes to Don Mitchell. Don has been a steadfast and stalwart voice for coldwater conservation in the Duluth area for decades. As a member of the Gitche Gumee Chapter, he has helped organize and lead tree planting around the North Shore to diversify and reforest key reaches of our trout streams and rivers. In cooperation with TU and the Lake Superior Steelhead Association, Don helped prioritize which waters to focus on for restoration shore-wide in Minnesota. An ardent and vocal advocate for our resources, Don has always sought to introduce new people to both conservation and angling. Thank you, Don, for all you do for Minnesota TU and congratulations for this very deserved award!

The 2024 Distinguished Service Award for the Hiawatha Chapter of Trout Unlimited goes to Carl BerBerich. Carl is a longtime Hiawatha board member and former chapter president who has made many contributions to the chapter over the years. Recently, Carl reinstated Hiawatha’s long dormant newsletter as an e-newsletter, retitling it the Western Driftless Newsletter and has grown its distribution way beyond the chapter boundaries. Carl’s dedication and service to Hiawatha TU makes him very worthy of this award. Thank you, Carl, for all you do for Minnesota TU and congratulations!

The 2024 Distinguished Service Award for the Headwaters Chapter of Trout Unlimited goes to John Leuth. John consistently goes above and beyond for the chapter, volunteering for various Headwaters events. Notably, John played a pivotal role in launching the Frozen Fly Film Festival, Headwater’s main fundraising event. John also spearheaded the chapter’s presence at the Great Waters Fly Fishing Expo and teaches fly fishing to children as part of Headwater’s Youth Fly Fishing program. John also regularly shares expertise at community fly tying nights, helping to make them a success. Thank you, John, for all you do for Minnesota TU and congratulations for this very deserved award!

The 2024 Distinguished Service Award for the Twin Cities Chapter of Trout Unlimited goes to Tony Nelson. Tony is the Godfather of trout stream habitat in the Twin Cities, working with landowners, agencies and MNTU staff to identify and implement habitat projects throughout the Twin Cities metro area. The two large Hay Creek projects from the last couple of years are a direct result of Tony’s efforts. Tony also serves on the Dakota County Planning Commission, where he is a tireless advocate for water quality, organizes TCTU’s presence at the Dakota County Fair, is a former TCTU board member, and currently serves as an at-large director on the Minnesota Council of Trout Unlimited. Thank you, Tony, for all you do for Minnesota TU and congratulations for this very deserved award!