Volunteer of the Month: John Lueth
Everyone has knowledge. Everyone has something they can be passionate about. If it has anything to do with trout, other species of fish, the environment or fresh water, education of youth, skill or creativity of tying, advocacy, fundraising … almost endless possibilities and variety … give it a try. And while you are doing it, thank those who asked you to become involved or shared their skills and passion with you. Then pass it along to others. Bring someone else along for the ride! And try to have fun all along the way!!
Hometown: Bemidji, MN
MNTU Chapter: Headwaters Chapter TU642
Favorite place to fish/be outside: I cannot say that I have only one favorite. Rather, I would say that my favorite place to fish … and for that matter be outside … is wherever it is that I am with one or more friend. And beyond that, I’d like to be where it’s not crowded – even if we’re not catching! Most of my fly fishing is from a boat, and most often for pike or panfish.
When did you get involved with Minnesota Trout Unlimited? I don’t honestly recall when I got involved with MNTU, but probably about 25 or more years ago. A community Education class about fly fishing was offered and I thought I could learn more about the sport. Out of that class, and further Community Ed classes taken about fly casting, rod building, and fly tying I met some other fellows, and we have been friends ever since. Along the way this circle of friends has grown through interests in fly fishing or tying flies or restoration or working with youth and around the community.
What drew you to join Minnesota Trout Unlimited? I recall being drawn to join the TU community through meeting other people interested and/or experienced in fly fishing. And because it was something which I thought I would like to know more about, as well as trying my hand at casting and catching, it was a logical next step to join an organization dedicated to those (and other) pursuits.

How have you contributed as a volunteer? Through the encouragement, mentoring and enthusiasm of a number of men and women locally I was attracted to the idea of volunteering in a number of ways. Sometimes because I figured it would simply be fun. Other volunteer opportunities seemed significant (such as stream restoration projects) because “nobody else is gonna do it if I/we don’t do it or help do it.” Additionally, merely hanging out with a variety of other people who have creative ideas, passion for sharing their knowledge, and willingness to sustain successful activities – but also try new ones – energizes me and others to join the work and the fun. With others I have been able to slog along streams overgrown with alder to cut back the brush and maintain or improve stream flows necessary for good trout habitat. We have dug trenches to install bank stabilization vegetation where cattle have degraded stretches of stream bank. I have helped initiate and facilitate a chapter booth at the Great Waters Fly Expo where we invite youth (of all ages) to sit down with one of our chapter volunteers to tie their first fly … at no cost to them. During the first year in which we had our booth our youngest tier was 4 years old (and she has been back every year since then!) and our oldest tier was 94 years young! Because the major emphasis of our chapter is education of youth and adults (about the importance of fresh water to our environment, ourselves and the cold water fisheries) and because the Trout Unlimited Headwaters Chapter 642 has the longest running Trout in the Classroom program in Minnesota we are always by necessity on the lookout for fundraising ideas. And one of our most successful, repeated about every two years, is what has come to be known as “The Frozen Fly Film Festival”. That activity along with an annual “Pike Hunt” have been popular for members and the public as well as good generators of dollars to support our education activities. I and others, and always accompanied by other chapter members, am involved in offering weekly or bi-weekly free Community Fly Tying Nights in the off season, typically November through March. And of course, a Spring Membership Gathering and Fall Membership Gathering offer opportunities for planning, setup, participation and takedown etc. etc. Two activities appeared on my volunteer radar over the past couple of years. The amazing huge single day event in Alexxandria, MN, called the Youth Outdoor Activity Day (YOAD) which takes place every year on the last Sunday in August was in need of volunteers willing to spend 3-6 hours offering kids the opportunity to hold and cast a fly rod – something most youth have never done. For about 5 to 10 minutes one of the fly-casting volunteers will help a child who wants to give fly casting a try. This is not about real teaching, although that can happen, but about giving a kid a positive first experience in a brief time so that they might feel they could enjoy it enough to take it a bit further if given a chance. Pair that single Fly-Casting activity of YOAD with 50+ more activities with over 2,400 annual youth participants to the event and it’s great to be a part of! Inspired also by the Laughing Trout Fly Tying Club and their Bug Bank fly tiers, this year several TU642 volunteers tied and gave away a fly to every youth who tried fly casting at the YOAD. That was 477 kids who got to pick a fly tied by me with the help of Charlie, Hadley and Rory. Awesome!
How has volunteering for and being a part of the Minnesota Trout Unlimited community impacted you? I feel that the most important way that TU642 or MNTU have impacted me has been through the wonderful people I have met. Both TU members and community members have become friends and acquaintances whom I would otherwise never have had the opportunity to know. And through both of those I have not only enjoyed friendship or pleasurable fishing outings and activities but had opportunities to learn and grow in my knowledge of the outdoors, fly fishing, fly tying and more. It’s kind of like the old saying “you don’t know what you don’t know”. Except I could say “I didn’t know what I might enjoy until I tried it and enjoyed it!”
Why should someone join the MNTU community as a member and/or volunteer?
Well, you can see member benefits and read about them in almost any literature or messaging you may receive from TU. But as for me, I believe there are very many positive reasons to be a member and – my bias – even more to being a volunteer. As a member I can learn about all aspects of the sport of fly fishing as well as the importance that the TU organization has upon the activities in which it chooses to be involved. Advocacy, conservation, habitat improvement, education and more. I can learn techniques and strategies for fly fishing. I can enjoy publications, videos, useful information and updates on all manner of fly-fishing related things. And more stuff that I cannot think of right now. Things that benefit me. But beyond that, I simply enjoy being a volunteer and helping provide activities or experiences for people to enjoy. If I didn’t think that I would enjoy it myself I probably wouldn’t do it! I feel that as a volunteer I can play a role to sustain and pass on to others – especially youth and their families – all of those things mentioned above so that they can carry on into the future those things about TU which I find good. And because I really like the other TU642 members with whom I volunteer it’s fun!
Anything else you would like to share?
Get involved. It’s’ okay at every level. A lot. A little. From the behind-the-scenes quiet supporter; to being a bit more outgoing and to join with others willing to volunteer some of their own precious time as well to benefit a cause; to sharing your expertise in whatever way benefits a chapter, a school, a community, underserved or people less fortunate than you. And I like being with people fired up about the things I can get fired up about! Everyone has knowledge. Everyone has something they can be passionate about. If it has anything to do with trout, other species of fish, the environment or fresh water, education of youth, skill or creativity of tying, advocacy, fundraising … almost endless possibilities and variety … give it a try. And while you are doing it, thank those who asked you to become involved or shared their skills and passion with you. Then pass it along to others. Bring someone else along for the ride! And try to have fun all along the way!!