Protection of coldwater fisheries is core to our mission and this means protection of the water, watersheds and aquifers upon which trout, steelhead and salmon depend for survival. Public policy decisions, especially those ultimately made at the Capitol can have huge consequences for the health and long term viability of Minnesota’s coldwater fisheries. Ensuring clean, cold water is central to fisheries protection. Educating decision makers and advocating for sound management of natural systems is thus a vital part of what Minnesota Trout Unlimited members do.


Learn more about the important issues we are working on and how you can take action by visiting the pages below. These pages will be updated with current action opportunities.

  • Agricultural runoff to streams and aquifers, including nitrogen and pesticides, especially neonicotinoids, and fungicides, have dire impacts on the entire food chain including insects and trout.
  • Feedlot impacts and nitrate contamination must be curbed through effective manure management including timing of use, and storage practices.
  • Preventing Fish Kills is at the center of our advocacy work and is addressed in part by the issues included below.
  • Sulfide Mining poses a direct threat to fish and their prey and can impact fishing opportunities.


In 2025 we are closely following our priority issues and will be sharing opportunities with members to advocate. Check out our events calendar for upcoming coming action events including days at the Capitol and informational sessions.

Ongoing opportunities to engage with MNTU:

Contact your elected officials to share why you support the protection of coldwater fisheries!

General Letter Writing Tips

  • Read our post on how to develop and use your voice!
  • Visit our priority issue topic page for more information about specific issues.
  • Find out who represents you here.
  • If you need a head start, use this template to develop your letter.
  • If you receive a response, follow up with a thank you!
  • Let us know how it goes at [email protected].

Write an opinion piece and submit it to your local paper.

Contact us if you’re interested.  We can help you develop your story and get it submitted.

Contact: [email protected]

Testify on issues important to you!

Watch the committee schedules for the Minnesota Senate and House and consider testifying on issues that are important to you! Let us know if you need some coaching tips!

Sign up now to receive our regular action alerts so you can get involved in protecting coldwater fisheries!