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Earth Day Cleanup on Eagle Creek
April 20, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Eagle Creek in Savage is the closest “fishable” trout stream to downtown Minneapolis. It is a beautiful spring-fed creek flowing into the Minnesota River, and supports a naturally-reproducing population of brook and brown trout, including some trophies.
The Twin Cities Chapter of TU have conducted extensive work to protect and restore Eagle Creek, partnering with the DNR. This spring, we will conduct 3 volunteer events on Eagle Creek. The first event is a buckthorn cut on March 23rd. The second event is beaver dam removal on April 6th. The third and final event is this one: on Earth Day, April 20th, we will be conducting a huge trash cleanup! The creek needs it, and by the time we finish the banks will be so pristine they’ll look like they belong in the Boundary Waters.
Attend all 3 events, and get a free Twin Cities TU hat in recognition of your hat trick!
Here are the details for the Trash Cleanup:
Meet at 8401 Eagle Creek Parkway at 9:00 AM. We’ll be guided in groups to different areas of Eagle Creek. Trash collected will be placed in a dumpster organized by the DNR. TCTU will provide garbage bags.
The event will be followed by a burger lunch, prepared by our expert chefs. If you’d like to volunteer as a chef, let us know when you register!
Bring gloves and boots, some areas along the stream will be wet. If you have one of those fancy handheld trash grabbers, bring that, too!
We are looking for somebody to tow the TCTU trailer! If you have a vehicle with a 2″ ball capable of towing at least 3500 lbs, and you are willing to tow the trailer from Savage to Eagle Creek and back. We are also looking for a volunteer with a pickup truck who would be willing to haul trash bags to a central location on the creek. If you would like to volunteer for either of these, please email Steve Kaukola at [email protected]
Please register below. Registration will close 24 hours before the event so we can get an accurate headcount