35 events found.
The unique and rare wood turtle has been found in the Mazeppa Creek Aquatic Management Area where MNTU will begin construction on a stream improvement project later this month. Wood turtles are a State Threatened species and are protected under Minnesota Statute 84.095, Protection of Threatened and Endangered Species. Although our construction contractors will follow […]
Chester Creek Maintenance Thursday, May 30th from 1pm to 6pm Join us a we continue maintenance on trees we planted a few years ago on Chester Creek. We will be meeting at 1pm at the tennis courts off of Madison Ave (south of Arrowhead Rd). We will continue to clear brush around our recently […]
This event is part of TCTU's Vermillion River Initiative-a focus on protecting and enhancing this cold water stream so near to the Twin Cities! Join us as we help the DNR continue to restore the Vermillion River & this AMA for wildlife! We will be: -Removing buckthorn, other invasive species and boxelders -Dragging and dropping […]
Join MNTU education specialist and long time fly angler, Evan Griggs, at his favorite MNTU habitat project sites. Tour the project site to see how habitat work benefits the stream. Learn about stream ecology by sampling macroinvertebrates to determine water quality and see what the trout are eating. Then we’ll practice our fly fishing skills, […]
Tuesday, June 18th Trout Run Creek near Troy in SE MN Rain or Shine, bring your own chair and please RSVP through the QR Code or Call 507-523-2171 x113 by June 14 Schedule: 9:00 am Registration Barth Construction Shop 10675 Nichols Spring Drive Chatfield, MN 55923 9:15 am Conservation Projects & Programs 9:45 am Karsts, […]