42 events found.
Latest Past Events
Vermillion River-Kummer AMA Habitat Day!
DNR Vermillion River Aquatic Management Area (AMA)-Kummer , Hastings, MinnesotaThis event is part of TCTU's Vermillion River Initiative-a focus on protecting and enhancing this cold water stream so near to the Twin Cities! Join us as we help the DNR continue to restore the Vermillion River & this AMA for wildlife! We will be: -Removing buckthorn, other invasive species and boxelders -Dragging and dropping […]
Hiawatha Chapter Roadside Clean-Up
It’s time to pick up trash and find more Lite beer cans along U.S. 52 south of Chatfield! Hiawatha TU will meet at the parking lot just beyond the Root River bridge at 6 p.m. May 13 (May 14 for rain date). We usually get about a dozen volunteers. This year, MNDOT said that all […]