Location: Lake County, MN
Contact: Gitche Gumee Chapter
Funding: Lessard-Sams 2013
Goals: Restore a free flowing channel in the Little Stewart River after devastating 2012 floods to provide fish passage for migratory salmonids and provide spawning and rearing habitat for steelhead, brook trout and other fish. Re-vegetate the upper riparian corridor of the Little Stewart with native tree species to cool the stream and lower overall stream water temperatures.
One of the primary reaches used by steelhead on the Little Stewart River was radically altered by the flood of 2012 and filled with large boulders and other debris, removing all fish habitat and leaving an stream bed with no visible water for fish. This project entirely recreated the stream channel and planted trees in multiple areas throughout the watershed.
Methods: Construction of an entirely new channel was needed to restore the damaged reach on the river. Rock weirs, j-hooks and root wads were used along with other appropriate methods to create a stable, new channel. Tree planting was accomplished using native tree species specifically chosen to suit sites along the river.
Implementation: Project implementation began in 2014 and finished with tree planting. Ongoing maintenance of trees is needed, volunteer with the local TU chapter to help out!