Help Prevent Loss of Protections for Trout Streams – Comments Due by Nov 7
Forty-one trout streams are slated to lose their protective “designated trout stream” status under a proposal by the MNDNR. Comments are due by Monday November 7, 2016. This is your last chance to provide evidence that these streams recently did, currently do, or could sustain trout with some active management. Protections will be removed from 195 miles of streams. Most of these streams are located in the north metro, central and north central Minnesota – areas where very few trout streams remain. Very few comments have been submitted to date. If you have personal knowledge of any of these streams or have an opinion on whether or not designated trout stream status should be removed from any of these streams, your comments are needed NOW.
You can find more information, including maps of each stream proposed to have its DTS designation removed, at this DNR webpage link:
It would help us greatly if you would choose the option to submit comments via an e mail to Mr. Brian Nerbonne ([email protected]) and copy MNTU’s executive director ([email protected]) on your email.
While some of these streams may never have supported wild, naturally reproducing trout populations, others did relatively recently and may be able to again if land use practices are improved.
Other streams or portions of streams are be added as designated trout streams. MNTU supports all these additions and urges all trout anglers to submit comments in support of these additions.